Before tattooing

- If your skin is dry, apply lotion on it for one week prior to your appointment. You may remove bodyhair from the area to be tattooed the night before.

- Do not drink alcohol in 24 hours before your appointment. Also, avoid using blood thinning painkillers.

- Eat well before getting tattooed and dress in loose, comfortable clothes that you wouldn't mind getting stained.

Rash and pimples on the area to be tattooed might prevent tattooing; They pull out colours when healing, and there is also a greater risk for infection.


Always wash your hands before touching your healing tattoo!

- Remove wound dressing after 24 hours
- Wash with clear water
- Dry with paper towel, don't rub so the scab won't tear up
- Rub a thin layer of tattoo aftercare lotion on the tattoo

Apply thin layers of lotion for 2-3 times a day for two weeks.

After taking off the bandage there is no need to cover the tattoo with another bandage, unless it bleeds or there is a chance for it to get dirty. Cotton clothes are usually the best protection for a healing tattoo.

Fresh tattoo is a wound, so it will develop a thin scab. The scab will peel off on itself during the healing, do not tear or scratch it. Avoid soaking or rubbing the tattoo so the scab won't peel off before the tattoo has healed.

Wrong kind of aftercare can ruin your tattoo, so always follow your tattooist's advice! If you have any questions conserning your new tattoo or its aftercare, do not hesitate to contact your tattooist.